The fate of Malaysia's endangered
species of sea turtles rests
in your hands

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The Continual Declining Population

“According to World Wide Fund (WWF), Malaysia hosts four out of the seven species of marine turtles found in the world,
which are the green, hawksbill, olive ridley and leatherback turtles...The hawksbill and leatherback are classified as
critically endangered while the green and olive ridley are classified as endangered. In 2020, the leatherback turtle
population in Malaysia has declined by more than 99 percent since the 1960s, while olive ridley turtles have
declined by more than 95 percent.”

- Liyana Hasnan, The ASEAN Post

Major Threats to Sea Turtles

Egg Poaching

The sale and consumption of turtle egg is only illegal in Sabah, Sarawak, and Terengganu.The lack of a nationwide wide continues to thereaten sea turtles as there are no law to enforce on poachers.

Floating Plastics

Many reported deaths of sea turtles are caused by consumption of floating plastic bags or entanglements from discarded fishing equipments.

Loss of Nesting Site

Development of lands, particualrly coastal reclaimation, has invaded the nesting sites of sea turtles and prevented them from returning to the same ground to nest.

Source of information: “Turtles crying foul in Malaysia” by Liyana Hasnan from The ASEAN Post

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Conservation Efforts Made

Many Non-govermental organisation in Malysia such as WWF, Juara
Tutle Project and Lang Tengah Turtle Watch have been making
an effort in conserving the lives of sea turtles. But additional
help is always needed.

  • Monitoring and patroling beaches to protect sea turtle nesting sites.

  • Conducting snorkel surveys to monitor the population of sea turtles.

  • Relocating and release programmes of sea turtle eggs in hatcheries.

  • Continue efforts in educating the public and advocating for stricter laws to protect the population of sea turtles.


Sea turtles play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Preserve the marine ecosystem of our
country and save these magnificant species from extinction by lending a helping
hand in the effort of sea turtle conservation.